Monday, April 8, 2013

New Pokemon

So that weirdness aside I'm not too worried.

It was probably a dream. I'm totally not being in denial >_>

Anyway, I found this really cute pokegirl pic :3

Isn't it just awesome ^ö^ God I'd do her in an instant!

New Fear

This fear...or whatever it is(I think its a fear) finally revealed itself in another dream-like thingy or maybe it wasn't. It felt pretty real to be honest.

It was a female fear if it was one. She had black hair, was short and kinda chesty, but not that much. If I may say so...she was cute.

"Hello Via" She said as she stood before me in a simple tanktop and miniskirt.

"Wh-Who are you?" I asked.

"Well...I go by many names The Rose, The Innocence, Bride of A Million Roses, but you can call me May if you'd like!"

"Ar-Are you a fear?" I asked, terrified.

"Well my dear...I don't think you grasp the concept of what a fear is. These creatures you've been reading least in this world are nothing but fiction. I am a fear of your world so to speak. I am May, fear of perversion!"

I tried to run, but I couldn't. I was paralyzed by the shock of all this.

"Now now, don't try to run my sweet little plaything! I won't do anything to you now, but be warned as I will. eventually get around to doing so. When the mood strikes me"

She then planted a kiss on me, nothing fancy just a simple kiss.

Then she vanished, leaving just a couple of rose petals on the ground!

Sunday, April 7, 2013

New Weirdness

Something odd happened to me lately. And oh boy, I might have to choke on my earlier words about the fears not being real, because...well, at least one of them is. Or ... I think its a fear, certainly not really the kind I'm used to reading about.

I was looking at porn.


And all the sudden the girl in the video starts talking to me. She was shaming me, calling me a slut and a pervert.


But if that wasn't odd enough the video sort of stopped and my computer turned off.

It may have been a dream.

I'm not sure >///> I'm not sure about anything now!


Saturday, April 6, 2013

New Picture

Alright, I'm going to address my profile pic. Cute isn't it :3?

She really looks kind of like an anime version of myself. I'm not even joking, except I don't wear pikachu suits. I don't even own one. But I own this kind of g-string, bra & stocking combo. So yeah, picture me like this will ya :3

I mean, even the breasts are about the same size as mine...about at least.

I know its weird, but this pic is hot as hell >///<

Friday, April 5, 2013

New Girls

Another post appreaciating the girls of Pokemon. They clearly did their research on what is considered cute in anime & manga characters. That is the only explaination why all of them are so fucking adorable >///>

I mean look at them all >///<

I swear to god I'm not a pervert!

Thursday, April 4, 2013

New Girl

Alright, first of all can we all agree that Y from Pokemon X & Y is freaking adorable?

Like could she be more adorable? She's like the only reason I'm looking forward to Generation 6, because they will make a manga adventure with her .w.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

New Reading

So I've been reading a few fearblogs and I got to say that they are really predictable. I mean the standard formula seems to be that a fear shows up after the guy or girl or whatever rants about their life and then the fear that seems to be close to what is wrong with their life shows up and boom...they run and eventually either die or become a fear servant.

Like...thats kinda dumb if you ask me.

Why can't there be a blog that does everything the opposite and its like a roller coaster all the damn time. Where the fear has nothing to do with the actual fears of the person, where the person survives without becoming a fear servant. Where the main character is actually a smart person and has intelligent insticts!

I see no reason why that couldn't be the case and I realize that that sounds like Rapture...I realize! I'm not going to like it just because it fits the just makes me uncomfortable at times and I'm not gonna force myself to read the rest of it because of that. Let's just drop it alright?

Fears are nothing but bullshit anyway.
Why are people so quick to believe that they exist!?

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

New Blog

My name is Via. Well not really, but humor me will ya? I tend to not really like going by my real name. I mean who names their daughter Nikki, it sounds weird like some shoe brand or something.

Anyway, I've been meaning to read all these fearblogs that my on-again-off-again girlfriend May keeps talking to me about like they are the best thing since sliced bread with cheese and oregano.

So I'm thinking of reading one.

These fears are so stupid.

Like that kind of thing would actually exist in real life XD

Anyway, to answer your question...I'm into pokemon, its a great game series...the anime is lacking, but we all love it anyway don't we?

Chiao ^-^ ~!!